(originally posted 4/7/2015)
Three months ago I made a New Year’s Resolution to blog more often. In fact, it may have even been to blog weekly – I can’t even remember. Like most people, I started out the year with great intentions, and then lo and behold, life got in the way.
We all do this. It’s called the human condition. We make wonderful promises to ourselves and others, and then when we fall short, we either forget about them, or worse, use the lack of progress to beat ourselves up. Based on our yoga class attendance in January, I am sure that many of our yoga students made resolutions to come to classes more regularly, and many new students decided to try yoga out. And then February hit with all its snow days, and those wonderful promises went out the window.
As I thought about this recently, I realized we always have a choice about how to handle this. We can simply forget about it, and go on with our lives, as if the promises were never made. Or we can use our failures to fuel the negative thoughts that we have about ourselves: “I’m not good enough,” I never do what I say,” etc.
Or… we can start fresh. We can revisit those resolutions, and make a conscious choice about them. Is this really a goal that I want to achieve? If so, what do I need to do to get back on track? Or maybe this isn’t really a goal – maybe it was just a pipe dream and if so, I can let go of it and move forward with things that are truly important to me. Either way, April is a great time to examine those resolutions and make some conscious choices for yourself. Whatever your goals were, take a good look at them, hold them up to the light, and either drop them or run with them!
If doing more yoga was part of your life improvement plan and continues to be so, I look forward to seeing many of you at yoga in the coming months!