(originally posted 7/19/2015)
A recent post on Facebook really brought me up short. For over 3o years since my father died, I have felt his presence many times, and very often when I feel it the most, I find dimes. For a long time, I have felt like this was just a quirky thing that was unique to me and my family, but after reading this post, I am not so sure.
I first noticed this about 3 – 4 months after my father passed away. My mother and I went on a short get-away and were on a remote beach in the Bahamas, just sitting there watching the scenery. My mom found a dime in the sand between us, and said “Oh, that’s just your dad’s way of saying hi.” My father had been one to find change everywhere. In fact, about 3 weeks before he died, we were at a funeral for a cousin of mine, and my dad found some change in the parking lot. I remember him looking at it strangely and saying that he wasn’t sure this was the best place to find money.
When my mom found the dime, I told her that was strange because I had been finding a lot of change recently, and after that, I started taking note of it. It was quite amazing – EVERYWHERE I turned, I seemed to find change – mostly dimes. While often it seemed pretty random, there were definitely times when it was clear to me that this was a message from him. At almost every major crossroad in my life since that time, when I have taken a step forward and made a conscious choice about my life’s direction, I have found change in odd places, and had a very strong sense of my dad’s presence.
Several years ago, while cleaning out my closet, I came across a piggy bank with money I collected during the first few years after my dad died. I counted it and it totaled about $140.00. Since this money came from small change, I thought that it would be appropriate to continue to grow this fund with small change. I put collection box at Tranquility Yoga, labeled it the “Karma Fund” and invited students who were so moved to add to it in whatever way they could. Their collective contributions over time have helped other students come to yoga classes. I seeded this fund with the $140.00 of “found money” and have kept it running for the last 5 years. I intend to keep it running as long as there is money in the pot to fund it. Know that any money donated to this fund will be used exclusively to fund students to take yoga classes at Tranquility Yoga – students who would otherwise not be able to afford to take yoga classes.
If at any time, you or anyone you know would like to benefit from this fund, please contact me, and I will let you know what is available. The amount you pay will be worked out on a case by case basis and will be kept completely confidential.
As always, I thank you all for your continued dedication to Tranquility Yoga!