From Complaint to Resolution

(originally posted 12/16/2012)

Today, I was having lunch with a friend and we were talking (well, complaining actually) about… how much people complain. I know that sounds silly, but it’s the truth. After a while, our conversation turned to why people like to complain so much. Clearly, it’s a universal thing.

Whining gets you approval, acknowledgement (poor you), agreement, and “strokes” from others. It’s much easier to complain about your weight than to commit to a diet. It’s simpler and safer to complain about a relationship, rather than have a difficult communication with someone you love. We all do it…and we all wonder why we feel so unfulfilled so much of the time.

Perhaps a better question than “why do we do it” might be “what can we do about it?” For me, writing often helps to clarify my thoughts, and can be quite cathartic. My friend – who also enjoys blogging – and I decided to write blogs about the topic and see where that would take us.

This time of year, as we look toward the age old tradition of New Year’s Resolutions, I invite you to catch yourself the next time you are starting to whine, and see if you can turn that complaint into action by making a Resolution. If you’re feeling frustrated with someone, resolve to have that conversation and move the relationship forward. If you’ve been neglecting your health, resolve to eat better, or exercise more. If you’re feeling stressed, go to a Yoga class, or try Meditation. You may find that you can turn your complaints into new opportunities for growth. Whining may be the “human condition” but that doesn’t mean that we need to be trapped in it forever.