Going Viral

I am setting an intention for my newly published book. I want it to go viral.

image from Pixabay.com

What does that mean? In reading about the coronavirus, I have realized something. If 100 of my friends and relatives read this book and each recommends it to three people, and then if each of those people suggest it to three others who continue to recommend it, the book might travel around the world in about three months!

Here’s are five simple things you can do to help me realize that goal:

  1. Order the book!
  2. Read the book!
  3. Write a review of the book and post it -– on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Facebook, wherever!
  4. Talk about the book with your friends and encourage them to read it.
  5. Join my email list on this website and follow my FaceBook author page!

I am also interested in speaking to groups such as book clubs. If you are in a book club and currently meeting on zoom, I’d be happy to attend one of your book club meetings!