Welcome to my blog site! I intend to post weekly about my current writing, however, since this site is new and I have several books published, I want to introduce readers to my completed projects in short blogs. Today I’m featuring the book that I co-authored with my sister, Phyllis Bronson: Moods, Emotions and Aging: Hormones and the Mind-body Connection. This was my first foray into book writing.
This book was published in 2015 by Rowman and Littlefield and represents many years of work done by my sister as a research scientist and biochemist. In this book, we focused on the impact of bio-identical hormones on mood and emotions, and particularly on how the loss of those hormones during mid-life affects women’s health physically, emotionally and mentally.
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) has been a controversial subject in medicine ever since the introduction of synthetic hormones by the pharmaceutical industry. This book discusses the history of HRT and describes the differences between synthetic and bio-identical hormones – differences that have had a dramatic impact on women’s health over the years and caused much confusion in the field. Our goal was to educate women and their physicians and to take the mystery out of this field of research by writing a book that would be based on scientific facts and readable by the average woman. While my sister had the scientific expertise and worked with many clients over the years, my contribution was to help her with writing, organizing and editing so that we could achieve that goal.