When it’s time to say goodbye…

(originally posted 5/23/2013) How do you say good bye to a beloved pet? My family recently had to do that to our 13 1/2 year old Golden Retriever, Clyde. We got Clyde when my boys (now 18 and 20) were just 5 and 7 years old. He has been a cherished member of our family ever since. We also have a …

Spring Cleaning in More Ways Than One

(originally posted 5/6/2013) For the past several years, I have been on a mission to de-clutter my life. I’ve blogged about this before, and it’s clearly a never-ending process. For me, spring always seems to be a great time to clean up my life and purge my house. Judging by the number of yard sales out there this time of year, I’m …

What the Heck is Doga?

(originally posted 2/15/2013) As a Yoga teacher for the past 15 years, I have come to appreciate the many health benefits that Yoga offers, including increased strength and flexibility, calmness of mind, and a greater ability to focus. I also happen to be a dog-lover, and have 2 Golden Retrievers that I run agility with, so I am acutely aware of the …

Where Was Your Power Last Week?

(originally posted 11/20/2012) Last Wednesday, I was substitute teaching a Yoga class for one of my teachers, Phil Milgrom, who was stuck at his home in Warren, MA with no power. When I mentioned to the students why Phil wasn’t there, one of them responded: “Phil has plenty of power, just no electricity!” Anyone who knows Phil knows this is …