The Tranquility Yoga Karma Fund… Dimes from Heaven?

(originally posted 7/19/2015) A recent post on Facebook really brought me up short. For over 3o years since my father died, I have felt his presence many times, and very often when I feel it the most, I find dimes.  For a long time, I have felt like this was just a quirky thing that was unique to me and …

Flexible Body… Flexible Mind

(originally posted 5/25/2015) When you go to Yoga class, do you always set up in the same spot? Do you get annoyed if you arrive late to class, and someone else has already taken “your” spot? If so, you are not alone. I find that many students gravitate toward a particular area of the room over and over again.  When …

New Year’s Resolutions Revisited

(originally posted 4/7/2015) Three months ago I made a New Year’s Resolution to blog more often. In fact, it may have even been to blog weekly – I can’t even remember. Like most people, I started out the year with great intentions, and then lo and behold, life got in the way. We all do this. It’s called the human …

Meditation on Snow

(originally posted 2/3/2015) Snow, Snow and MORE Snow…. My dog Comet loves the snow and loves to play fetch. Chasing snowballs is one of his most favorite activities. If we throw a snowball, he will try to catch it – and if he can’t catch it, he will dig for it in the snow. Yesterday, while shoveling our driveway, my …

Uncovering Your Passions

(originally posted 1/21/2015) One of my New Year’s Resolutions this year was to blog more regularly. So far, I have written one blog this year, and then… nothing. This morning, I was meditating and my busy mind kept telling me that I need to blog. My next thought was “I have nothing to write about.” The truth is, I have …

From Supervisor to (I hope trusted) Advisor

(originally posted 2/2/2014) For the past 21 years, I have been in a long-term job with the title “Mom”. Although the job description has changed over the years in many ways, the job has remained constant. Now, however, that job description has been completely rewritten. I have gone from being the decision-maker to being a consultant at best and no …

Big Brother is Watching, but You get to Choose…

(originally posted 10/12/2013) Recently, I read this article in the Boston Globe about the use of cell phone technology in advertising: The article describes how cell phone data is being collected to allow businesses to target ads to people who might be interested in their products. Basically, what this means is that if you love something – say Oreo cookies – …

When it’s time to say goodbye…

(originally posted 5/23/2013) How do you say good bye to a beloved pet? My family recently had to do that to our 13 1/2 year old Golden Retriever, Clyde. We got Clyde when my boys (now 18 and 20) were just 5 and 7 years old. He has been a cherished member of our family ever since. We also have a …

Spring Cleaning in More Ways Than One

(originally posted 5/6/2013) For the past several years, I have been on a mission to de-clutter my life. I’ve blogged about this before, and it’s clearly a never-ending process. For me, spring always seems to be a great time to clean up my life and purge my house. Judging by the number of yard sales out there this time of year, I’m …

What the Heck is Doga?

(originally posted 2/15/2013) As a Yoga teacher for the past 15 years, I have come to appreciate the many health benefits that Yoga offers, including increased strength and flexibility, calmness of mind, and a greater ability to focus. I also happen to be a dog-lover, and have 2 Golden Retrievers that I run agility with, so I am acutely aware of the …