Where Was Your Power Last Week?

(originally posted 11/20/2012) Last Wednesday, I was substitute teaching a Yoga class for one of my teachers, Phil Milgrom, who was stuck at his home in Warren, MA with no power. When I mentioned to the students why Phil wasn’t there, one of them responded: “Phil has plenty of power, just no electricity!” Anyone who knows Phil knows this is …

Go For the Bananas

(originally posted 2/8/2012) If aliens were to land on Earth and come across an apple and a banana, they would probably be amazed to discover that both are classified as “fruit.”  Yoga, like fruit, comes in a vast assortment of varieties and styles.   Yesterday, I read an article in the Boston Globe entitled “How to Avoid Yoga Injuries” and …

The Rat Race

“The trouble with the Rat Race is even if you win, you’re still a rat.”– Lily Tomlin I remember the first time I heard this. I was working in Boston as a research scientist at a very prestigious hospital. I had a high – powered job that I liked, but I wasn’t happy. In many ways, I felt like I …

I Can’t Do Yoga

(originally posted 11/19/2008) ” I can’t do Yoga –- I’m not flexible enough!” This is something that potential new students often say. Because of the way Yoga has been advertised in this country over the last 25 years, most people associate it with bending your body into various pretzel shapes, or standing on your head. However, not all Yoga is …